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  • Setup Apache2, MySQL 5.6, PHP 7 and local domain on Mojave 10.14

    Just in case you bump into the situation where you have to migrate/setup apache2, MySQL 5.6, PHP 7 and set up your custom local domain on your machine this blog could help you. On this setup, I used the built-in apache service on Mojave. For Mysql I used homebrew to setup it up since i…

  • Ignore File Changes without using .gitignore

    I am taking a note regarding this way of ignoring file changes just encase you guys bump in to the situation where the file is not included to your .gitignore file and you want to keep it track later on. This will tell git you want to start ignoring the changes to the file git…

  • Avoid app from crashing during the loop – C#

    I was new on C#.Net when i tried to create an app for scraping websites. At first i am using a single thread to handle loop logic which causes the app to crash several times if it involves a huge amount of data and leave all activity on foreground. C# has background worker which can help avoid…

  • Laravel 404

    From your web development using Laravel you may experience this issue as you setup a fresh web application run by apache and using virtual host for your http configurations. Defined routes doesn’t work but you think you set it right. On your virtual host configuration (.conf file) you put AllowOverride All but still you are…